Twenty sentences that will make you more charismatic than 97% of people Alex Mathers · Follow 2 min read Charisma isn’t something only granted to the fortunate few at birth. Growing up, I struggled with shyness; anyone would have labelled me ‘dull’ in my teens. There’s much I’ve learned over the years that has helped me develop my charismatic side. It’s helped get me invited on podcasts, speak to thousands on stages and attract a readership of over 150,000. Here are some ideas that help: Be the one who keeps things light-hearted, no matter the situation. Understand that no matter how different or weird you think you are, your ideas have value and will be appreciated by many people. Focus on prolific creativity instead of reacting, moaning and whining. Rather than trying to speak the most and sound the most clever, be the one who listens the most deeply. Slow down physically and in how fast you talk because this will give you more time to think and give you an aura of higher status. Emp...